Uncomfortable Opinion: Mercury Retrograde Edition

Zayda Renna
3 min readOct 16, 2020

As always, take what resonates and leave what does not. If what I say doesn’t resonate it probably was not meant to.

Ah, it’s fall. And finally all of the big planets have gone direct — except for Mercury who just went retrograde, in Scorpio, no less. Spooky season is going to be really interesting this year!

So what is Mercury retrograde? It’s when Mercury, the planet of communication, appears to be moving backwards. Thus creating communication struggles, technology issues, and the most common theme that I see people talk about — the return of an ex (how haunting). Additionally it’s recommended not to start a new job, or sign contracts of any kind.

Mercury retrograde is a time of reflection. It’s a time to reassess what’s working for communication and what’s not. What might be working for us in jobs and what’s not. There’s something that I feel is really important to address here when it comes to the reappearance of an ex, or the sudden urge to text and ex from years ago. I’m going to share my experiences with you.

3 years ago, I was coming out of a really difficult relationship and I was getting divorced. I was terrified to sign the paperwork because it was during a Mercury retrograde, and I wasn’t sure what that meant. But it felt incredibly aligned to get the paperwork submitted and done. So I submitted it and the divorce was finalized within a week of submission. I have never regretted it, or looked back on it, thinking I shouldn’t have done that

My next example. The last few years I have felt called to reach out to a friend who was very close to me and I ignored it. It would come up almost every single retrograde, and sometimes I’d write out messages and then never send them. I was judging myself for even wanting to reach out, and telling myself what I “should” be doing, instead of allowing what felt true in my heart. A few weeks ago while Mercury was in shadow, I chose to reach out. My friend was incredibly receptive to me and was grateful I listened to my intuition. Both of us have grown immensely, and are vastly different people. Now we are continuing our friendship with new eyes and perspectives, as different people.

Sometimes, an ex, or a friend from the past comes up during Mercury retrograde to give you a chance to respond differently. Or, perhaps there’s something coming up that needs clarity and Mercury retrograde is the time that it’s going to come up, especially in communication. From what I see, so many of us are quick to judge our gut feelings because we “shouldn’t” talk to that ex and if we do, we’re dumb. Almost like, “did you learn the lesson the first time?” In some cases that’s true. It is a “test” to see what you’ve learned. But, it’s relative and variable for everyone and I think it is incredibly important to note that it’s impossible to go backwards in life. As humans, our perspectives are always changing. The only permanent thing in life IS change. Change IS life. Everything in temporary.

So if you have an ex reaching out to you, and you feel called to answer, please don’t shame yourself for doing so. Or if you feel like reaching out to someone — anyone — please don’t shame yourself, and follow that intuitive guidance. Scorpio Mercury truly cuts through the crap when it comes to literally anything. The ability to see through things is present. Keep that in mind and use it to your advantage. Sometimes things come back around to close out a cycle, to reveal new truths, to show you a new perspective. And remember, it is impossible to go “backwards” on your own journey.

Life is not a ladder.



Zayda Renna

25 years old. Mom. Astrologer. Reiki Master. Writer. Published Author. Artist of many mediums.